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Jada Pinkett and Tupac went to art school together in New York. Because of this Will Smith and Tupac knew each other.
This photo also puts Tupac as the first rapper to wear the star ring of the infamous “Star Ring Curse” The Myth that all rappers who wear the ring meet an early grave.
This is the last photograph of a living Tupac. I know you Harvard students and professors are reading my shit. Don’t forget to quote me.
Who killed Tupac? For you ice-t
in 1996. Tupac made Death Row Records close to $130 million dollars. Tupac made a lot of people money. There are so many theories but at the time Tupac had a lot going on. He had alot of enemies.
4 theories to Tupac’s Death.
1)He used his mother’s black panthers resources to escape a diddy hit he caught word of. The black panthers would have mastered the art over the years of faking members deaths to avoid authorities. Diddy wanted him dead after the release of hit em up. When biggy wouldn’t respond with a diss track. Diddys ego gets the best of him. Tupac knew how powerful diddy was and took the hit serious. With his money and resources. Tupac could buy off doctors. Have access to similar looking bodies, match tattoos, private cars and jets to avoid airports.
2) Tupac used his mother’s black panther Resources to escape Death Row and suge knights gang “mob.” When Tupac went to jail for assault he spent all his money on lawyers and court fees claiming his innocence. Because of this he couldn’t post his own bail. His guilty verdict had him dropped by labels. The only one who would or could bail him out was Suge Knight.
Tupac knew all about Suge Knight. He had a reputation for being gang affiliated and was coming off a trial of beating down eazy-e with three other guys over Dre’s contract. Tupac and Knight made a deal. Make me three records and I’ll post your bail. This is rumored why Tupac made “All Eyez on me” a double record. So he could get out faster. Makavelli being his third. Unlike Diddy with biggies music. Suge didn’t own enough of Tupacs music to want him dead for it. Tupac was worth more to him alive then dead.
3. The Orlando Anderson Theory ( My knock on this theory is that Suge Knight at the time was too powerful in the area to be messed with. Someone who makes Suge Knight $130 million dollars at the time wasnt going to be able to be just shot at. There was to much money involved.)
4. It was Nas. There is a famous altercation between Tupac and a Young Nas. Tupac calls him out in front of a large crowd. Snoop tells the story well. Nas was also one of the first rappers to announce Tupacs death at concert in front of thousands. He let someone else inform the crowd as he dances around on stage.
Great Scene: Wyatt Earp the greatest Sheriff to ever live. Gets called out by the fastest hand of out all the outlaws Johnny Ringo. Wyatt’s Best Friend. Doc Holiday a murdering gambler dying of tuberculosis with a degree in dentistry and married to a hooker; Knows Johnny Ringo is too fast for Wyatt. So Doc roles out of his deathbed to handle business. Shoots from the hip. Puts one in his head. Distracts him with his left hand and cigarette by his mouth. Shoots him with the right. Taunts him until his dying moment. Great Movie. Tombstone. Costner has a version to. Later on, Wyatt would go on to reenact his famous “untouchable” scene. Where four men shoot at him in close range and all the bullets miss. Great movie. Great Scene
Side Note: Though remembered as the greatest sheriff to ever live. When first arrived in tombstone. Wyatt would go around with his brothers and Doc Holiday and make a deal that they would keep all trouble out of the bar if in return they were compensated. Which in today’s standard would be viewed as extortion. irony at its finest.
Here’s how it went down. Srv and Double Trouble were nobody’s trying to make it. Taking any gig they could. The Montreaux at the time. Was strictly jazz. A low key crowd. When it was there turn. SRV and Double Trouble come out playing at 1000 mph. If you listen close between songs the low key crowd boos the great SRV. In the crowd was Bowie and Jackson Browne. Browne would later let SRV record Texas Flood on his dime but Bowie; he asked SRV to join his band. Vaughan traveled worldwide. Made big bucks and even got the lead on Bowies song. “Let’s Dance” that guitar solo everyone knows. Is none other than an unknown Stevie Ray Vaughan. Not long after. SRV would tell Bowie. He missed playing the blues and would go back to doing small gigs in Texas with at the time an unknown Double Trouble.
A Funny Joke: “The Bookie and the Drug Dealer said to the Junkie Gambler that wouldn’t pay. “Come on man! Do the right thing!”
Joke of the Day: The Judge said to a lawyer and a cop! “Hey! Let’s go sit in court all day! So the criminal said “Hey! A place I can go with you! Save me a seat!”
In the 70s towards the end of Elvis' career there was a band selling out more stadiums than him. So naturally the King wanted to meet them. The band was called Led Zeppelin.
After attending one of his shows in LA; Elvis invited the band to come back stage. The meeting has a great story with it.
Elvis was a huge watch collector. He had hundreds of watches. Led Zeppelins lead singer Robert Plant the man who sang to thousands is on record saying "When Elvis walked in. I was star struck. I was speechless." Robert plant being a huge Elvis fan also states that Presley was his main inspiration. Out of the whole band the only one who struck up a conversation with him was John Paul Jones the bass player. While talking; Jones complimented Elvis' watch. A $5000 Rolex. Being a generous King Elvis took the watch off and handed it to Jones. "'Il trade you!" Elvis said.
Jones was wearing a $5 Mickey Mouse watch. After trading watches Elvis also invited the band to come spend time with him in Memphis. So on the night Led Zeppelin; one of the greatest rock bands to ever live, met the King of Rock N Roll; They got a $5000 dollar watch in exchange for a $5 one. Why? Because Elvis. Second to None. A generous King.
Led Zeppelin had an active career of 12 years 1968-1980
Though great the band had zero #1 hits.
Elvis Second to None.
Yeaaaaa!!!!!!! More Girls!!!!
“Straight outta Southy Kid” Most gangster legends are admired. Only one is Hated. Bulger. Winterhill. Single Handedly took over South Boston underground with a four man crew. Died a gruesome one. You want to talk street smarts. Bulger had enough cash and spots around the world to keep the fbi chasing him for 20 fucking years. Made the bastards spend millions. Just to put into perspective. The New York ceo killer was found in a week. Bulger Had just under a Million on him in cash when he was caught. As mean as they come. Once killed a guy on Christmas night. Called his house after and told the son when he answered “It’s fucking Santa Claus. Your dad ain’t coming home.”
If ever if Quincy, massachusetts and on the Neponset bridge over the Nepsonset River. Just below is called by locals. “ The Bulger Burial ground. Where Bulger and WinterHill buried over 20 of their enemies bodies.
Kennedy linked rumor to Bulger: When it was thought the Italian mob killed President Kennedy. The Goverment needed someone to do their dirty work. This is why close to 6-7 years later they would give bulger. Irish associated and well known for hating Italians. Free reign to take back the streets of Boston. In return Bulger would help the feds cripple the Italian mob.
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Tupac’s last concert set list. House of Blues California. At the time Pac and Snoop were just coming off each their own trials. Snoop was acquitted of a shooting. Tupac an assault. They actually were two of America’s most wanted. Tupac literally was “Out on Bail, Fresh out of Jail, California Dreamin!”
When The Rolling Stones first came out. They played the fucking blues. Brian Jones was the founder of the band. While on the phone with a disc Jockey and asked the name of his band. Jones responded after noticing a Muddy Waters record on his bedroom floor called “Like a Rolling Stone.” Jones would join the forever 27 club and his death would have questions surrounding it until this day; but not before leaving the stones. Claiming they were trying to keep up with the new decade of music and going to mainstream for him. Ironically, years later when the band would need to reemerge in the 90s with a hit. They went back to the blues with their hit song “fancy man blues” “Lookin Good Baby! Love to see my Baby Smile! You say love me now! But you got a Fancy man on the side!”
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Cookies and Crème Jumbo Cup Cake. Order at and Have Delivered in Thirty Minutes or Less. Anywhere.
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“And god Said! Noah! I’m going to send a giant wave and clean the land. The only thing I want saved are the animals. I need you to build me an Ark. So Noah built God an Ark and saved all the animals of the world so that God could clean the world with his Wave!”
The King of Trash Talk! Larry Legend killed men on the court with his trash talk. The stories go on and on and are legendary. Bird had a Triple Double that night. 40/11/10
“I slept with a medium one time. You know a mind reader. This chick she could read fucking minds. I’ll never do it again. I’m telling you. She must have knew I was thinking about another chick the entire time because when I woke up. All my shit was gone. True Fucking Story!”
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“If he’s snapping pictures on vacation without a girl he didn’t have enough money to take her on the one he promised her.”
“I Have a Md, PhDc, and a MHA!” ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️
“All i’s on me!”
One Night Marylin Called the Kennedy house. When Jackie Kennedy answered Marylin whispered into the phone. “Is Jacky there? Referring to the President. Coincidentally not long after the call. Marylin Monroe was found dead.
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“Maggie M’Gill! She lived on a Hill! Her daddy got drunk! And left her the will. So she went down! Down to Tangy Town! People down there! Really like to get it on!”
Al Capone though never convicted. Is credited for the Valentines Day Masacre. A shootout between rival gangs and dirty cops. Someone called all of them and told them all to meet in the same place at the same time.
Did you Know……Al Capone opened up the First Soup Kitchen in Chicago. After an act was passed that year that allowed the purchase of food with food stamps. Never one to miss an opportunity to cash in. Capone opened up the Soup Kitchen.
Did you Know….. Al Capone created Expiration dates on milk. He did this because a guy in his gang got sick after drinking some bad milk and Capone lost out on some money that day. So to avoid this from happening again he created milk expiration dates and requested they be labeled on all milk products.
Though the longest to live while being least known of the Brothers. Ted Kennedy. The long time Massachusetts senator has a notorious claim to fame. He accidentally drove off a bridge in Chappaquiddick Island, Massachusetts into Poucha Pond. In attempt to save himself from the sinking car a young Kennedy left his girlfriend Mary Jo Kopechne to drown. He is also famously quoted for speaking at his Older Brother Bobs funeral. Stating “if there was a wrong Bobby would right it.”
Who can forget Undertaker and Mankind’s Hell in a Cell. Mankind had a tooth through his nose product of being thrown off the top of a Twenty Foot Cage by the Undertaker.
The Golden Days of Wrestling Shawn Michaels Vs Razor Ramon! Wrestlemania first ever Ladder Match. Michael’s did an unforgettable leap from the top of the ladder but Razor Ramon would win the Match. Michael’s would return to retain the title at SummerSlam 95
Kevin Costner has the best Baseball movies of all time besides Redfords “The Natural”
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Megan Fox! Too Hot for Tv!
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2025 NFL Super Bowl Winner Odds. I think it’s The LA Rams Year.
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Syd Barrett. A Founder of Pink Floyd. Syd was a huge blues fan. The bands name was named after two blues singers. Pink Anderson and Floyd Council. Syd fell heavy into the 60s and LSD. The last time he performed with the band, He walked in circles on stage while the band performed in front of thousands. “The last time I saw Syd. He came to the studio. He was so far gone. He was scratching his head with one hand and acting like he was brushing his teeth with the other. He told me he had a song for me. He played it on an acoustic guitar. It had no structure. It was all over the place. He sang with nonsense and gibberish. It was the bluesiest thing I ever heard. After that he just left. I heard he hitchhiked back to his mother’s house where he dropped acid in the basement and lived off his Pink Floyd Royalties until his death.” Said Gilmour. “Go ahead boy have a cigar. You’re going to go far. You’re going to fly high. You’re never going to die. You’re going to make it if you try. They’re going to love you!”
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A Great Bob Kennedy Story……. After his brothers assasination. John Kennedy was brought to a Texas Hospital. His Assassin and Assassins Assassin would later be brought to the same hospital after being shot. After being pronounced dead. The lead Surgeon of the hospital would not let the Presidebts body leave. Claiming he lawfully had jurisdiction over it. After a call from his Father Bobby the Attorney General of the United States went down to Texas with the Secret Service and brought his Brothers body back to Washington.
Did you know… JFK suffered such severe back pain as a child he was bed Ridden and as an adult in his late life he needed staff at the White House to tie his shoes. To this day one of the most beloved Presidents
Despite the Size Difference. Lou Ferrigno credits Bruce Lees Work ethic as his main body building motivation.
The original UFC Creator. Bruce Lee is also rumored to be the innovation of the Mortal Combat player bounce from the famous video game. Mimicking the movie stars famous fighting style.
Netflix movies “I land” and “I Lary Blasi”
"Heard he was Light Skinned, Stocky, With a Haitian Accent. Jewelry Fast cars and known for flashing. Listen while I take you back and lace this rap. A real live tale about a snitch named Haitian Jack."